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You searched for: claw

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  • Angry cat’s Pfftbit Fitbit fitness tracker watch counts it hissing at frightened dog.
  • Woman catches cat taking bribe money to scratch sofas from furniture delivery man.
  • Cat in restaurant says can always tell couple on first date as two cats scratch and hiss at each other.
  • Cat wonders how to hurt a hand that is petting it.
  • Cat claws owner to be left alone.
  • Cats questions why they buy nice things after they destroy them.
  • Cat owner gets full body injuries when she sneezes while cats nap on her.
  • Woman mistakes cat scratches on headboard as tally marks for man's sexual partners.
  • Cats wind up asleep after taking a shot of catnip every time owner says Stop It.
  • Cat scratching couch is disappointed owner threw out the awesome Christmas tree scratching post.
  • Swiss lobster has various tools for claws and legs.

  • Santa leaves even more presents behind after cat scratches a hole in his pack.

You searched for: claw