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You searched for: cinemas

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  • Dog audience watches scary nail clippers zombie movie.
  • Cardboard TP tube audience watches scary toilet paper roll mummy movie.
  • Dryer lint watching scary laundry movie says it’s a trap as fluff in film sees lint screen.
  • Dog waiting to sniff urine smells on tree is frustrated by spoilers as other dog tells dog breeds peeing there before.
  • Scared glasses of water in movie theater watch horror film of cat about to knock over and spill a cup on the edge of a table.
  • Groundhogs in cinema are scared by film projector casting their shadows on screen.
  • Flowers in movie theater scared by film of bird at feeder eating birdseed children.
  • Fire work in cinema is scared by film’s happy ending of couple kissing while fireworks explode.
  • Pumpkins in movie theater watch scary horror film with Jack O’Lantern killer.
  • Excited squirrels watch a Mission Impossible parody movie in a cinema.
  • Cats cinema audience are afraid of new kitten scary movie.
  • Numbers in cinema are scared by movie of a killer zero.

You searched for: cinemas