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You searched for: chocolates

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  • Scientists don't know what will happen when Hamburger Helper Hand eats M&Ms.
  • Dog arrested for passing out chocolate Halloween treats to puppies.
  • An elderly M&M's m-shaped breasts become w's because they're saggy.
  • Dr. Gray explains how life is a box of chocolates with DNA nougat.
  • Grim reaper with chocolate on his mouth must be death by chocolate.
  • Green Giant with Black Eyed Peas, Doughboy and Bread, M&M with Eminem, Michelin Man and Air Supply.
  • Mom gives chocolate-faced son parental advice to avoid spoiling his Halloween treats.
  • Vampire kid tells cat kid about his Halloween candy, spoiling candy surprises for Batman kid.
  • Candy audience watching a movie is frightened when during Halloween candy is picked to give to a child.
  • A vampire is to blame for chocolate bunnies being hollow.
  • A bar of chocolate is only semi sweet to his date.
  • A dentist uses fillings with Bon Bon repellent in them.

You searched for: chocolates