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You searched for: cans

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cat hell includes options such as kids with doll clothes, silent can openers, and a room of rocking chairs.
  • A cat reads a horror story called "For Whom the Can Opener Tolls" to his kids.
  • Canned dog food has names like "Something Found on the Floor."
  • A cat listens to a record of can openers from around the world.
  • A TV sitcom director asked for canned laughter but has canned ham thrown at him.
  • A can of Spam tells its therapist that sometimes it lies awake at night wondering what it is.
  • Someone tries to prank a store by asking if they have Prince Albert in a can, but the store belongs to cannibals who have Prince Albert in a jar instead.
  • Product failures chunky pulp milk, caffeinated baby formula, salty Dr Pepper soda, Lee Press-On nose hair, sugar sweet toothpaste, stinky tuna Chicken of the Sea fish perfume, spicy cajun Preparation-H, gross leftover parts chicken soup, vegetable flavor popsicles & feline sleeping pills for insomniac cats.
  • Dorothy and the Scarecrow get married and use pieces of the Tin Man to drag behind their car for their honeymoon.
  • Pig pallbearers carry a spam tin to a funeral.
  • Cans being recycled wonder what they'll be next.
  • The tin man takes his can for a walk in a baby stroller.

You searched for: cans