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Tired woman drinks coffee by stormy window, view changes to positive unicorn & rainbow, woman sad but coping.
Tooth tells teeth some may not survive fight against sugary Christmas fruitcake.
Goat kid trick or treating on Halloween is happy for empty candy wrappers treats.
Mad Mr. Potatohead asks potatohead trick-or-treater where’s your costume and it removes arm and face pieces.
Grocery shopper tells woman buying cart of Halloween candies trick-or-treat cancelled in her area and she answers mine too.
Trick-o-treating godzilla monsters trade nerdy people for dummies.
Ghost parent catches sneaky spirit kid with clear belly full of Halloween candies.
Godzilla parent destroying city tells child asking to eat building “no more suites.”
Criminal consumers arrested for eating sharing size candy, playing Words With Friends game with strangers, coffee in a tea cup and blowing nose on toilet paper.
Dog in virtual reality headset eats toxic chocolate virtually in computer video game.
HayDay PayDay candy package spoof with cow and horse fighting is for horses but better for cows.
Spoof metal bolt and nut Jolly Wrencher candy wrapper parodies Jolly-Ranchers packaging.