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Pirate questions privacy of wireless phone call with a talking parrot on the pirate's shoulder.
A customer service agent breaks down on the stand at court, revealing that people's calls didn't matter to him.
Cat on phone has trouble speaking with fur in mouth after bath.
A voice mail system tells you what buttons to push if you want to swear at it.
Dad spends every night with his daughter's babysitter, the TV.
A piercer tells his receptionist to hold his calls because he has to pierce an anteater's tongue.
A woman gets her boyfriend's machine whenever she calls, so she goes on a date with it.
A man sitting in a soup pot is in the middle of dinner.
A truck sunk in the ocean has a How's My Driving bumper sticker.
Cats think the power button on the answering machine is marked that because turning it off gives them power.
A woman can't think of a reason not to go out with a man, but when he calls later she'll have had time to find one.