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Rebellious fruit fly fries bacon, commoner monarch butterfly watches TV, stag beetles dating & spelling bee misspells insect.
Man tells lady hidden behind cat on table she looks just like online Zoom meetings.
I used to think Cupid carefully considered valentine’s love choices, now I think shoots arrows blindfolded.
Dogs couple girlfriend wonders if boyfriend loves her or treats in her coat pockets.
Guitar on smartphone instruments dating website rejected by sexy saxophone’s no strings profile.
Smartphone couple making out on couch gives date consent to take a screen grab.
Headless snowman complains snowmen couple’s too hard kiss pushed snowball head off body.
Catfish on smartphone dating app doesn’t trust fish dates’ fake online profile photos.
Snowman in love says date makes him feel all warm but it was peeing dog.
Nervous dog dating vacuum cleaner says I’d be lying if I said relationship didn’t scare me.
Self-conscious guy burned clothes on fire after date’s nice shirts compliments become unenthusiastic greeting.
Tired smartphone in bed tells partner it was autoplaying videos in sleep again.