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Raccoon and rabbit at beach play rock-paper-scissors to decide who applies sunblock to porcupine’s spiny back.
Man uses a sand detector in a pile of trash at the beach to look for sand.
Tyrannosaurus dino at beach has red sunburn everywhere its short arms can’t apply sunscreen.
Godzilla parent tells monster child not to come into the house until it wipes squished people from the beach off feet.
Mouse caught by cat yells “you said the coast was clear!” at mouse in hole reading sunny and breezy coastal weather forecast on cellphone app.
Godzilla monster on beach asks other Zilla if it wants a lifesaver while walking by lifeguard station.
Underwater castaways on deserted island flooded by rising sea levels shows direct effect of climate change on cartooning.
Godzilla feels fine on the hot sand with beachgoers stuck to bottom of his feet.
Cat reads book on disemboweling small rodents while at the beach.
Woman at the beach has been shocked by cold sunscreen kept in the cooler.
Man at beach says that no one knows why sunscreen sales are low while surrounded by men with big beards.
Stingray swimming at the beach stings a man named Ray.