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You searched for: bare

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A peanut without its shell models for a nut life drawing class.
  • A penguin is all white and his tuxedo markings were a rental.
  • Man goes to wealthy party in barrel to dress ironically.
  • Glass Bottom Boat shows off her bare bottom.
  • Porcupine regrets crew cut because he has no protection against wolf.
  • Naked man stung by jellyfish on nude beach has worse day than clothed man stung.
  • Band's name suggests that building is closed rather than a show going on.
  • Scallops are jealous of seashells whose job is being mermaid's bra.
  • Audience encourages stripping snake to shed all her skin.
  • Skeleton wife discovers husband visits racy Internet sites like Bare Bones.
  • Adam informs Eve salad she is eating is actually his dirty laundry.
  • Program allows people to exchange bare Christmas trees for full ones.

You searched for: bare