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You searched for: painter

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  • A painter's art has a direct message: everything is for sale.
  • All the paintings collected for Occupy Wall are baroque or broke.
  • Fisherman catches pollock that looks like it was painted by Jackson Pollock.
  • Man thinks he can swipe painting like touch screen tablet to see next one.
  • Artist paints the box that the mime is pretending to be stuck in.
  • Like his painting, plumber Magritte claims "This is not a pipe."
  • At museum, kittens learn that there is a motif of cats inflicting pain on dogs in feline art.
  • How the artists Van Gogh, Michelangelo, Botticelli, and Rubens were inspired.
  • Picasso's parents worry about the way he plays with Mister Potatohead.
  • Dali forgets where glasses are after painting The Persistence of Memory.
  • After room is painted, family decides they like furniture in a pile in the middle of the room.
  • Man paints bikini model on house when wife wishes home looked like picture in magazine.

You searched for: painter