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You searched for: gym

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  • Flies do laps in pools of soups of the day.
  • Tower of Pisa runs on treadmill to stay lean.
  • Pear's figure is improved by working on his core.
  • Mrs. Doughboy complains about Mr. Doughboy's weight because his torso is covered in rolls.
  • Woman sees spider using her stationary bike for spinning a web.
  • Man questions Jack Be Nimble's ability to compete in the modern era.
  • Roofer in training practices climbing ladders on Rungmaster.
  • A whole class of envelopes frustrate a yoga instructor as they are all marked "do not bend."
  • Turkeys nervous about sign for carved physique at Turk's Gym.
  • Pillsbury Doughboy body builds to defend himself from finger pokes.
  • Breakfast cereal icon Cap'n Crunch got his name from doing stomach crunches while working out.
  • Pet bird practices gymnastic routine discovering gymnastic dismount beyond the pet cat is necessary.

You searched for: gym