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You searched for: technology

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man in the 70s types while driving.
  • A bondage enthusiast uses LinkedIn while chained up.
  • A mom threatens to post her son's baby photos on Facebook if he doesn't call her more often.
  • Moses wants god to text him the commandments instead of giving them to him on tablets.
  • Zorro's email signature is a sword that comes out of the computer.
  • A modern toilet comes with a digital book reader.
  • A man wants to see other people -- a movie called Other People.
  • A dog gets laser nose surgery and smells better.
  • A kid gives the monster under his bed a smartphone so he will be safe.
  • Two people ignore an elephant in their robot vacuum.
  • An alien calls another alien with a hand that comes out of its butt.
  • A shopping website offers shipping for your anniversary, which was yesterday.

You searched for: technology