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Pigs need to teach their children to eat like pigs.
An oyster gets her kids to irritate her husband so he'll make pearls.
Ants only visit their mom on sundaes.
Timmy looks for his mom and dad after creating huge mess while unwrapping his Christmas presents
Two kangaroos explain to their adult son that it is time for him to move out while he rests on top of his mom's pouch.
The son frankfurter asks the father hotdog where he comes from, to which the father tells him he doesn't want to know.
Boy thinks about his day, which included eating spaghetti, playing games, cleaning his room, and shaving the cat, and wonders why his mom punished him.
Boy holding starfish asks dad, who is videoing, if video will be good enough for TV, dad agrees because shark is about to eat boy.
Husband faxes wife dirty diaper and asks for clean one in return because he doesn't know how to change the baby's diaper.
Student realizes she doesn't have her homework, but her dad's policital campaign speech, while Dad gives speech talking about liking Mommy and being pretty in dresses.
Child E asks Dad E if he'll grow up capitalized like dad, dad says yes, but he has to stay away from drugs, guns, and white-out.
Captain Kirk has retired, answers door to see alien woman and alien child, thinks to himself, "Oh, God, not another paternity suit."