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You searched for: parent

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A baby sticks her father's wacky packages all over the walls.
  • A school prep kit for toddlers is a weight you strap to them like a backpack.
  • A potato head has so many piercings, he forgets what goes where.
  • A nag protection system switches the computer screen to homework when mother walks in.
  • Bug magazines are covered with pictures of walking sticks.
  • A young godzilla doesn't like having to eat vegetarians.
  • A toddler makes noises that sounds like scat.
  • A mother pig acts like aisles in a supermarket with her kids.
  • A rebelling kid wears his hat backwards, just like rebelling ducks wear their beaks backwards.
  • Caesar's mother sends him a letter.
  • A new technology determines how much work the student did on the school project.
  • A June Bug's child is a Mayfly, because she came early.

You searched for: parent