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You searched for: technology

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Narcissus looks at his reflection.
  • Nude Descending Staircase becomes Dude Descending a Stairmaster.
  • A ghost wants to tweet a long 'boo,' but is limited to 140 characters.
  • A pop-up comes up to make sure a witch really wants to cast her spell.
  • Christopher Columbus steals Leif Ericson's tweet about discovering the new world.
  • A piece of bread looks at porn of bread with its crust removed.
  • A cat uses its owner's name, Food Giver, as his password.
  • A tattoo artist tells a client he wishes his needles had autocorrect.
  • A man reads grilling tips and doesn't listen to the one that says to pay attention.
  • A mouse looks online to see what the cat will be doing at different hours.
  • Sharks post pictures of people at the beach online.
  • A caveman's cave-drawing profile picture is out of date.

You searched for: technology