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Bubbles the fish is upset with wife because she ordered stuff from home shopping network, making him realize what it means to marry a suckerfish.
Man walking into ladies' intimate apparel store hopes no one saw him, not realizing there's a big celebration waiting because he's the one millionth customer.
Godzilla tastes huge pot of food that contains Gilligan, Mary-Ann, and others, and says it tastes good, it just needs a little bit of Ginger.
Man on barstool watching FDA report on TV asks frog if he can believe the bug parts allowed in food, frog says it's pretty skimpy.
Thief tells victim that after he beats and robs him, his agent is available to discuss who will portray him in TV re-enactment, agent stands by.
Children watching National Geographic are scared of mom because mother turtles abandon young, and mother chameleons eat their young.
Egg watching TV, show announces that episode of "Julia Child Makes Yummy Omelette" contains graphic scenes, viewer discretion is advised.
Cat watches TV commercial saying 9 out of 10 cats prefer Ace Kitty Litter to using neighbor's yard, cat wonders about truth-in-advertising.
Three Tupperware containers sit on furniture while wives are out, and they are all making their lids burp with food and cans scattered everywhere.
Popeye on the phone with mom telling her he appreciates her negotiating his contract except for the clause having him eat spinach in each episode.
Captain Kirk has retired, answers door to see alien woman and alien child, thinks to himself, "Oh, God, not another paternity suit."
Alvin the chipmunk is on talk show telling host he didn't become one of the chipmunks overnight, he worked his way up starting as gofer.