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You searched for: bird

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  • The swallows return to cappuccino instead of Capistrano.
  • A stork has trouble proposing because his knees bend the wrong way.
  • A chicken laments his stupidity for crossing the road and getting run over.
  • Henrietta Hen finds herself in the midst of a custody battle.
  • A rhino has an entourage of birds.
  • A man dreams of flying, a pet bird dreams of swimming, and a pet fish dreams of walking.
  • A man falls alseep with his mouth open below two birds.
  • A chick hatches from an egg and worries about its security deposit.
  • Chickens know when to turn over while tanning because they have pop-up thermometers.
  • A crane complains about her date.
  • Different species react differently to seeing females.
  • A man stuffs a bird with bread because it complains about the breadcrumbs he's feeding it.

You searched for: bird