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You searched for: relationship

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Chess king's queen leaves him for a knight's moves.
  • Laptop needed a surge protector when seeing attractive female.
  • For Father's Day, Mark's family provides all the ideas so he can have the day off.
  • Dress rejects velvet shirt who is crushed.
  • Bird watches bird neighbors and claims it is a legitimate hobby.
  • Fish slows down relationship by giving boyfriend hot wasabi to eat.
  • Butterfly dates younger guy, a caterpillar.
  • Husband with flaming grill asks about wiggle room for medium rare request.
  • Wife rushes to give gift to husband before the technology product becomes obsolete.
  • Crudwad the rose asks if smell would still be sweet if it had another name.
  • Store requires waiver for man's injuries if giving vacuum to wife for Mother's Day.
  • Man using fake words to sound smarter is told by woman he fails.

You searched for: relationship