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You searched for: mom

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Babies hold their breath, and eventually become the Blue Man Group.
  • Mother Nature is in court, suing for parent infringement.
  • Mark takes the day off and his family comes up with the ideas for the cartoon.
  • A new toothbrush camera shows if you really brushed your teeth.
  • The woman who lived in the shoe moves next to a house made of gingerbread.
  • Mom's arcade has games like Veggie Chomper.
  • A slug salts the walkway after a snowstorm.
  • A man has a sonogram, and finds out he is a mother.
  • The Raven always wanted more when he was a child.
  • A crossword puzzle as the April Fool's joke.
  • Kangaroos have hot pockets as their comfort food.
  • God smites Adam and Eve with mothers-in-law.

You searched for: mom