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You searched for: relationship

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A bullfrog uses his throat to make balloon animals for his kids.
  • Sheep suggests having sex rather than counting sheep as a sleep aid.
  • A lobster buys the twin lobster special at a restaurant so he can date them.
  • Mom alerting Dad that Grandma is spoiling girl is a spoiler alert.
  • Well Done balloon captures why cow's cooking school graduation was canceled.
  • Women met boyfriend attached to her when he was her skydiving instructor.
  • Letter O complains women assume he's a boring zero.
  • Man tells woman that dancing like no one is watching does not apply to eating.
  • Leeches are sad their kid wants to stop mooching off them.
  • A woman switches dating sites when picnics are only common interest with ant.
  • Mom puts together leftover cake pieces from kids for dad's birthday.
  • Without a calendar, cavewoman can't prove man forgot anniversary.

You searched for: relationship