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You searched for: healthcare

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  • Betty Rubble Center treats toons for their vices.
  • Willy Wonka gets heart surgery and the surgeon needs candy to fix him.
  • Mary's little lamb is attacked with snow equipment because of its fleece.
  • Snoopy's chiropractor tells him his back hurts because of how he lies on his doghouse.
  • A scarecrow has hay fever.
  • New Year's Day in emergency room sees patients with champagne bottle cork injuries.
  • Gumby's doctor tells him to use the right side of his brain more.
  • An apple mother cuts a bruise off her child.
  • A surgeon operates on a bee while FBI agents watch through the window and he realizes he's entangled in a sting operation.
  • The big bad wold gets medical diagnosis from doctor due to his huffing and puffing.
  • A chiropractor goes to space to fix Atlas' back and save the Earth.
  • A kid gets sick and his stomach situation shows Grimm from Mother Goose and Grimm.

You searched for: healthcare