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You searched for: bird

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  • A turkey disguises itself as an endangered owl so the farmer won't kill it for Thanksgiving.
  • A turkey mystic psychic foresees that another turkey will become Thanksgiving dinner.
  • An owl at a book store signs copies of its book "Who's Who".
  • Wile E. Coyote finally stops shopping at ACME and catches and eats the roadrunner.
  • The late bird gets to the office after the early birds have eaten all the worms in the kitchen.
  • A homing pigeon commits a mass shooting.
  • A bird flies over a graduation ceremony and comes home with mortarboards stuck to his feathers.
  • Tweety Bird fights Woodstock to see which is the cuter yellow bird.
  • A chicken dies while crossing the road and makes it to the other side.
  • Donald Duck complains that his girlfriend doesn't understand him, but his therapist says no one understands him.
  • An alligator eats Frank Perdue and thinks he tastes like chicken.
  • A chicken is alarmed to find out that Sugar Maggots don't contain real maggots.

You searched for: bird