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A police detective looks at a poorly-drawn chalk outline, wondering if the murder victim was in bad shape or if the new chalk-outliner did a bad job.
Legal department for The Beach Boys says the name has to be changed to The Beach Middle-Aged Men because "boys" is false advertising.
Two envelopes are talking about how Betty's husband got sent away.
Auto salesman tells customer that sports car is latest model and has racing stripes, rear spoiler, fuel injection, and compartment for speeding tickets.
Hector draws picture for judge in court, showing how he made an R-turn instead of U-turn to get out of traffic violation.
Police officer key says the fried key on the ground was last seen with a kite enthusiast named Franklin, implying Benjamin Franklin discovering electricity.
Lawyer playing defense in basketball blocks a player's shot from going in net, and yells, "Objection!".
Prison officer mice lead mouse to the electric chair, which is actually a plug-in night light with the bulb taken out.
Thief tells victim that after he beats and robs him, his agent is available to discuss who will portray him in TV re-enactment, agent stands by.
Husband orange tells judge he wants divorce because he wanted kids and wife never told him she was seedless.
Popeye on the phone with mom telling her he appreciates her negotiating his contract except for the clause having him eat spinach in each episode.
Judge tells jury to disregard phone word-balloon prosecution is holding over defendant's head, balloon says, "I'm guilty."