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You searched for: games

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Elizabeth Taylor's ex-husbands and Larry King's ex-wives meet once a year to play volleyball.
  • In parallel universe, aliens play Garfunkel Says.
  • A man is abducted by aliens, who play Scrabble with him using extraterrestrial words.
  • A group of people have committed small gaffes like not closing the matches before striking and reusing microwave popcorn bags.
  • A caveman sports coach's students pour Gatorade on him when alligators attack him.
  • A baby thinks his dad needs a drool bib while watching women's volleyball and Baywatch.
  • Cats go into a catgut tennis racket factory to lose weight.
  • A woman playing on a spin-the-wheel game show gets her scarf caught on the wheel.
  • A man falls alseep with his mouth open below two birds.
  • A baby's dad gets distracted during a sports game and doesn't burp him.
  • A baseball fan with big hands catches all the home runs.
  • A checker cabbie warns his client that another guy got jumped earlier that day.

You searched for: games