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You searched for: dating

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A woman finds five golden rings by accident.
  • Princesses buy bags of frogs to kiss.
  • Flowers are cross at each other during the pollination season.
  • A talk show host has to talk to many guests at a party.
  • A man forgets about his webcam while trying to get a date online.
  • A cricket player thinks a sign is for him, but it's for crickets.
  • A whale pops its barnacles before a date.
  • A monster gives the American Heart Association building as a Valentine.
  • Usually a woman's cats hiss, but they boo at her date.
  • When one Christmas light goes out, they all do.
  • A truck's wife shows up, who has a ball and chain.
  • Two cars have a relationship with a lot of starting and stopping.

You searched for: dating