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You searched for: healthcare

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  • Gumby has a lapse in judgment and gets a full body massage, emerging all bent up.
  • A man without health insurance goes to a beach littered with needles and pill bottles to feel better.
  • Famous cartoon characters are in an eye hospital because of their distorted faces.
  • A sea jelly tries to open a chiropractic franchise, but jellyfish don't have spines.
  • Instead of Penicillin, pharmacist at drug store substitutes moldy bread.
  • Famous, but rather unpopular people who have had medical conditions named after them.
  • Goldilocks' spine is out of alignment because she switched from a too-hard bed to a too-soft one.
  • A soldier's injuries are from a corkscrew, a nail file, and tiny scissors, showing he was attacked by the Swiss Army and their knife.
  • A chiropractor hires delivery men with bad posture to bring him a fridge.
  • A fish sneezes itself and its friend out of a fishbowl.
  • A doctor can't find Houdini in his mother's womb.
  • The Jolly Green Giant gets his physical at the doctor, who tells him he has corns on his feet, cauliflower ears, and a pea brain.

You searched for: healthcare