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You searched for: family

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Parents watch child growing up in old home videos.
  • Mrs. Claus goes through the groceries to find Santa Claus did not check her grocery list twice.
  • Pinocchio researches his genealogy and finds Mayflower Ship comes from his ancestors.
  • A child earned many awards for acting such as acting sick and acting innocent.
  • Baby's playpen disclaimer averts the responsibility for damaged or stolen property.
  • Red Sox fan portrait show family unkempt due to superstition of bathing during winning streak.
  • Pumpkins share Thanksgiving with their strange gourd relatives.
  • Turkey kid prefers to go to school after his mom uses a meat thermometer to take his temperature.
  • The Thanksgiving turkey is stuffed with candy while the turkey pinata bursts with stuffing.
  • Kid admires the broccoli and zucchini eating woodchuck from the garden in his classroom report.
  • Internet website provides genealogy services to find relatives and block relatives from finding you.
  • Mom gives chocolate-faced son parental advice to avoid spoiling his Halloween treats.

You searched for: family