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You searched for: baby

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A fish's wife's doctor announces his kid is a boy'and a girl'and a boy'and a girl'et cetera.
  • A kitten's parents are proud because he had his first meows, first steps, and first human blood.
  • A baby squid inks his diaper.
  • A marionette cuts her boyfriend's strings because he insisted on becoming unattached.
  • A clock doesn't care about the gender of her child, just that it has one long hand and one short hand.
  • A baby wants to get a mockingbird muzzle so her dad buys her a diamond ring.
  • A test tube invites another test tube to come see his etchings.
  • The creator of Family Circus yells at his kids to do something funny before his deadline.
  • A school of fish asks its mom which of them she loves best.
  • Adam and Eve put off being fruitful and multiplying for their careers.
  • A baby's foot slips out of her booty.

You searched for: baby