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Scuba diver swims above shark, and shark doesn't eat him because he just flossed his teeth.
Fish upset because camera isn't working, missed another photo opportunity, there's fish in front of him with hook on both sides of stretched out mouth.
Fish in traffic helicopter says there is major tie-up in Red Sea because guy is holding stick, sea is parted, implying that man is Moses.
One fish tells another it was a real swift move to buy a dehumidifier because their fishbowl is almost empty.
Woman tells friend she goes into isolation chamber in her home when she wants to make tuna sandwich because she has house full of cats.
Fish parents tell daughter when she comes in door she can't deny it, they know she's been out with piranha, daughter has bite in body.
Two men fishing in boat, one drinking beer says he's been coming there for years, fishing is getting worse, under water is pile of cans.
Fish two days after the Boston Tea Party, and the tea being dumped in the water, are telling each other how they are wired up.
Cat shopping for cake mix can't make up his mind which flavor, includes goldfish, mouse, tune, sparrow, canary, pigeon, rodent, and more.
Boy's marine biology homework eats his dog.