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You searched for: work

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  • Factory workers know when to work harder because they can smell their boss coming.
  • Mr. Potato Head is nervous because he might get fired.
  • A man throws darts at a small picture of his boss because he is missing the big picture.
  • An English muffin company lets a woman go because she doesn't know how to make nooks and crannies.
  • A company dangles carrot cake instead of a carrot in front of a woman to get her to perform better.
  • A Hindu god says she's a people person when she applies for a job.
  • Knights have to defend themselves without armor on Casual Friday.

  • A dog chases a cat, who's chasing a mouse and feels annoyed he's stuck in middle management.
  • A woman's resume lists her developmental achievements from when she was a baby.
  • A man works like there's no tomorrow making signs that say The End is Near.
  • A mechanic is excited to have a car part because he used to be an actor.
  • On Christmas Eve, a creature stirs in a factory.

You searched for: work