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You searched for: bird

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  • A dog might have worms because birds are giving it an X-ray and trying to drill into it.
  • Sonny the Cuckoo Bird goes on Prozac and stops being cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
  • Birds think the world would look better covered in white polka dots.
  • A chicken's head can't look at how its body is running around.
  • Birds wait by a car wash to poop on cars because they like a clean slate.
  • A parrot gets three crackers from a genie because that's all it can say.
  • A bird dies because it thinks a cat's collar bell sounds sweet.
  • Birds wait for a man to shovel his car out of the snow so they can poop on it.
  • A turkey pretends to be too tired from triptophan to rake the leaves.
  • A parrot has a tiny car to poop on.
  • Birds begin to doubt their broker when he tries to sell their house to rhinos.
  • Nature's critical mass overloads include a skunk wearing cheap perfume and a hyena on laughing gas.

You searched for: bird