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You searched for: tinkle

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Misspelled famous monuments autocorrected to great whale of China, faster running Moai heads, pee leaking tower of Pisa and stoned hen Stonehenge.
  • Cheese goes in restroom to urinate, making Cheese Whiz.
  • Dog driving car crashes through wall, not the first time he had an accident in the living room.
  • Dog uses cellphone GPeeS global positioning system directions app to find spots to urinate.
  • Worried man shaped like fireplug hydrant tells date opening door he’s not looking forward to meeting her dog.
  • Grossed out boy plays with peeing Tickle Me Elmo parody Sesame Street toy.
  • Dog melts snow with urine.

You searched for: tinkle