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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Misspelled famous monuments autocorrected to great whale of China, faster running Moai heads, pee leaking tower of Pisa and stoned hen Stonehenge.
Cop can’t give driver using smartphone with foot ticket for loop hole in hands-free driving rules.
Flock of migrating birds flying north set smartphones to migration airplane mode.
Mime on smartphone sees blank text message replies.
Man covered in app logos sneeze says gesundheit to sick woman with empty smartphone homepage.
Factory workers inside smartphone can’t keep up with demand for screaming face emojis.
Iphone on laptop browses find my cellphone online dating profile website.
Smartphone at pulpit in funeral says phone in casket who died ran out of minutes.
Dog with smartphone under dinner table texts begging for treats as wife asks husband why his phone keeps going off.
Haunted town of ghosts on smartphones wont reply to unanswered texts and email messages.
Distracted man on cellphone says gesundheit to grim reaper surrounded by dead bodies.
Man thinks smartphone text “big potato monkey bites my toes” is autocorrect typo but monster is outside window biting woman’s foot.