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You searched for: tests

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • To get DNA sample from suspect, Detective sends in soda can.
  • Student tells teacher that her pop quiz lowered her Yelp rating
  • A crash test dummy warns a man against buying a self-driving car.
  • Santa gets drones to deliver Christmas presents, but they don't work very well.
  • A mouse does poorly in a maze study because he's lactose intolerant and doesn't want cheese.
  • Crash test dummies' GPS says they'll arrive in 2 seconds.
  • A new wind turbine designed like a mime acts like it's windy even when it isn't.
  • A zombie goes to the doctor and has no blood pressure.
  • A man does armpit farts at the god of thunder tryouts.
  • A man's opthamologist tells him he has an eye for talent when his eye scan is full of famous cartoon characters.
  • A mouse in a maze goes faster when he's rewarded with bacon instead of cheese.
  • A doctor gets an eye test using a chart with bad handwriting.

You searched for: tests