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You searched for: speaking

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  • On take-your-child-to-work day, speechwriter's kid makes silly promise in candidate's speech.
  • Therapist tells Donald Duck that ninety-nice percent of population doesn't understand him.
  • An egg plant praises Humpty Dumpty during campaigning speech.
  • Yoda fails at New Year's resolution to speak using proper sentence structure.
  • Turkey's speech about slashing budget scares audience.
  • Shark tells classmates how he went to the beach on his summer vacation.
  • Mom thinks baby's first word is mommy, but she's actually pointing at a mummy.
  • The roadrunner explains how to get through a painted tunnel.
  • Dr. McCoy from Star Trek reads a list of things he's not at a poetry slam.
  • Political pundits predict that a rock will beat scissors in the election.
  • A ghost gives an unfriendly sign instead of a friendly one.
  • A dog meows at a presidential campaign speech.

You searched for: speaking