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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Long itchy nose Pinocchio on cellphone shopping website orders back scratcher to reach out of reach rash.
Supermarket self-checkout customer surprised by unexpected item strange alien in bagging area.
Insomniac customers buy sleeping poison apples at fairytale evil queen entrepreneur’s profitable business.
Delivered box embarrassed driver tagged proof of delivery photos on social media.
Violent boot with knife chases scared shopper running out of clothing store advertising boot-cut jeans sign.
Santa Claus delivers presents delayed by sleigh chain inventory shipping problems weeks later in January to annoyed lady.
Man gives joint rolling papers wrapped gift after Christmas wrapping paper ordering mistake.
Mailman on large wooden sailing ship reaches to deliver customer order causing expensive shipping costs.
Year-round Christmas surprises when forgetful man can’t remember ordered package delivered by mail on front doorstep.
Man models convenient shopping bags groceries carrying clothing design on fashion catwalk.
Ridge back spinosaurus shopper returns ripped bag to dinosaur customer service.
Supermarket grocery cart says gesundheit to empty cart that sneezed customer’s food on messy aisle floor.