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You searched for: sandy

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Watching people run from the water screaming as they remember phones in their pockets is good beach entertainment.
  • Wife can guess by husband's cloud tan lines that is was cloudy but not windy at beach.
  • A cat poops in a plant instead of the litter box.
  • A man wearing a top hat in a desert is worried he overdressed.
  • Cat uses sand as litter box and ostrich uses same sand to bury head.
  • Crab father unintentionally buys crab cakes for child crab's birthday.
  • Floors get sanded with beach sand.
  • It's like a reverse thanksgiving for this turkey vulture when it finds its mean.
  • A dog tells another dog that cacti are sort of like trees and sort of like fire hydrants, but that he should stay away from them.
  • Peter Pan is insecure about his masculinity.
  • The Great Sphinx sneezes its nose off.
  • A cactus works hard at the office while the other plants hang around the water cooler.

You searched for: sandy