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You searched for: rejection

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  • A leech rebels against its parents by moving out.
  • A woman likes that a man is there for her, but not that he's there with her.
  • A shark gets mad at his girlfriend because she wants to leave him for another shark who has a swimmer's body.
  • A girl pig doesn't want to kiss her boyfriend because he has an ugly hair on his chinny-chin-chin.
  • Pistachios' therapist tells them they need to open up.
  • A woman can't think of a reason not to go out with a man, but when he calls later she'll have had time to find one.
  • So many women reject a man that he starts selling shirts that say "I Rejected Derek."
  • Godzilla eats a musical instrument store, but his body rejects the organ.
  • A TV at a bar turns down a remote because she's not into control freaks.
  • Woman sitting in front of peaceful picture of houses, trees, and sunshine finds out she's not getting a job because she needs stronger background.
  • Flight attendant, sensing turbulence in the relationship, puts her tray in an upright position - right in her boyfriend's face.
  • One fruit fly tells another to take a long walk on a short pear, instead of pier because they are tiny fruit flies.

You searched for: rejection