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You searched for: reality tv

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A cat and fish trades spaces.
  • The author updates nursery rhymes for the modern era.
  • Shirt sellers can't figure out how to sell shirts to the guys who get arrested on COPS.
  • The CIA uses The Osbournes to make unbreakable code.
  • Germs hate the part in Survivor when immunity is given out.
  • Simon Cowell is still judging music while in retirement.
  • A television show reveals the first celebrity mole.
  • The bleeping pushing man for 'The Osbournes' sees a doctor for a repetitive stress injury.
  • An angel tries to allocate everyone their fifteen minutes of fame, but they keep being taken.
  • Destiny's Child follow up song to their smash hit 'Survivor.'
  • A shark gets depressed when watching Survivor.
  • MTV introduces a show called The Surreal World.

You searched for: reality tv