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You searched for: rabbits

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  • A rabbit is wearing an Ask Me About My Grandkids shirt, but if anyone asks her she'll never shut up.
  • Rabbits go to couples therapy because one of them wants 96 children and the other wants 238.
  • Paul is different from the other anteaters because he eats rabbits.
  • Easter Bunny's green eggs are stolen by Sam to have green eggs and ham.
  • Mentor encourages magician when rabbit appears in pants instead of hat.
  • Tortoise buys tranquilizer darts to ensure win in race against the hare.
  • Hiding Easter eggs are betrayed not by Benedict Arnold, but by Eggs Benedict.
  • White Rabbit finds out his wife is pregnant by her response to "I'm late."
  • Lucky leaves cereal mascot party to get lucky with some women.
  • Rabbits falls in love with snowman's long carrot nose.
  • A magic hat's ultrasound reveals she is pregnant with a rabbit.
  • Easter bunny is wrongly accused of Humpty Dumpty's death after confessing to his color dyeing.

You searched for: rabbits