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You searched for: nitpick

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • The Easter Bunny forgets about Easter and claims he hid the eggs really well.
  • A white wine sets the thermostat too cold for red wine.
  • A clay dreidel is not dry and ready because she showered too long before her date.
  • A woman doesn't like her husband's light-up pants.
  • While waiting for arm to grow back, starfish complains about productivity.
  • Shark says she'll settle for a good white shark over a great white shark.
  • With misspelling of complaint, Conplaints Desk gets complaints.
  • Husband blames caption contest cartoon for words that came out of mouth.
  • Cat remembers when husband used to pounce on her when she walked around a corner.
  • Husband gives store credit as gift, but wife wanted to return gift herself.
  • Satellites are upset their advanced technology is supporting short texting messages.
  • Wife complains in therapy that husband car hugs corners but not her.

You searched for: nitpick