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You searched for: nervous

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Umbrella therapist asks anxious and upset inside out umbrella how it’s been since last time.
  • Suspicious fruit asks returning husband why he smells like pumpkin spice.
  • Bug wife reminds cheating husband about time found a tick on him.
  • Sesame Street Muppet boyfriend is shocked by how many puppeteers puppet girlfriend has been with.
  • Dog customers shop for miss you greeting cards for owners away on brief errands.
  • Turtle caught hugging other turtle tells angry wife excuse he’s becoming a home inspector.
  • Woman reads sleeping on stomach is unhealthy on medical website while turtle on laptop reads sleeping on back is unhealthier.
  • Female peacock thinks male with only three tail feathers displayed isn’t fully committed to their relationship.
  • Mitten suspects wife of infidelity because one of their children is a glove.
  • Gingerbread man realizes that he is in a house made of gingerbread,
  • Cat shaves fur so that he will not be thrown away for shedding.
  • After looking at his phone, Blondie asks Dagwood who Brunettie is.

You searched for: nervous