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You searched for: milk

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  • A celebrity gossip magazine writes about Christmas themes.
  • Mark takes the day off and lets his family come up with cartoon ideas.
  • Piglets mosh while nursing on their mom.
  • Santa goes to Overeaters Anonymous to talk about binge eating cookies and milk on Christmas.
  • Godzilla laughs so hard that a milkman comes out his nose.
  • Product failures chunky pulp milk, caffeinated baby formula, salty Dr Pepper soda, Lee Press-On nose hair, sugar sweet toothpaste, stinky tuna Chicken of the Sea fish perfume, spicy cajun Preparation-H, gross leftover parts chicken soup, vegetable flavor popsicles & feline sleeping pills for insomniac cats.
  • Karl Malden laughs while drinking and so much milk comes out of his nose that he floods a building.
  • A young Lawrence Welk blows bubbles in his milk with a straw.
  • A woman accidentally gives her husband milk and her baby coffee, making her baby bounce off the walls with energy.
  • Godzilla gets a milk mustache after taking a bite out of a milk truck.
  • A centaur buys half-and-half.
  • A container of milk is 2% milk and 98% other stuff.

You searched for: milk