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You searched for: lie

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Dog asks dog with smartphone if checked out Twitter feed but he doesn’t want to roll in that mess.
  • Coffee cup asks annoyed female cup of coffee if her date was tall and she answers “only according to Starbucks.”
  • Turtle caught hugging other turtle tells angry wife excuse he’s becoming a home inspector.
  • President Abraham Lincoln’s honesty is tested by smartphone app terms and conditions checkbox.
  • Lazy people have lots of excuses for not working out at spin class.
  • Chihuahua turning in circles around dog bed laying down is first fidget spinner toy.
  • Husband lies to his wife that he's still eating healthy because he's eating electronic bacon.
  • Pinocchio is angry fake news sites are stealing his lying bit.
  • Woman mistakes cat scratches on headboard as tally marks for man's sexual partners.
  • Dog's overdramatic search party shirt reveals to Phil that Cody is culprit for stealing burger.
  • Defendant gest worst April Fool's joke when jury jokes that he's not guilty.
  • Mrs. Potatohead is surprised to find Mr. Potatohead drinking when he said he was visiting his grandfather.

You searched for: lie