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You searched for: grass

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  • Flowers paint a rock to look like the grass around it so they can avoid the mower.
  • A piece of grass gets bitten by a horse, but it'll be okay because it was only grazed.
  • A dog eats grass for medicinal purposes.
  • A baseball player doesn't like playing on a field covered with Astros.
  • Dog doctors prescribe that a dog should go outside and eat some grass.
  • Bob Dylan gets an electric lawn mower.
  • The Jolly Green Giant shaves his beard with a lawn mower.
  • A woman scatters her husband's ashes on her neighbor's beautiful lawn while her husband smokes in the den.
  • Godzilla and his wife eat golf courses to get more greens.
  • The Green Giant's barber uses a weed whacker to cut his hair.
  • The hands sticking out of Stephen King's lawn are nicely manicured.
  • A worm likes living on a baseball field, except for the wet tobacco rain.

You searched for: grass