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Playing card decks mom washing dishes in kitchen tells lazy attitude cards son no shuffling when walking rule.
Scary 3 eye horned monsters family child gives parent Father’s Day world’s beast dad coffee cup present.
Reproducing rabbits dad on laptop receives email inbox full alert message as lots of bunny children’s Father’s Day messages fill folder.
Upside down bat parent checked above scared bat child’s branch & says no monsters over bed to reassure bedtime fears.
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Colorful decorated Easter eggs crowd shocked by naked blank egg streaking outdoors public nudity surprise.
Courtroom judge punishes guilty defendant to 20 cheesy dad jokes jail sentence.
Man annoyed at art gallery painting says his kid could do artist’s fussy crying baby artwork.
Cat parents can only afford one Christmas toy gift but grateful kitten kids love sharing fun box, ribbon & wrapping paper best.
Worried family thinks Thanksgiving thoughts about enough food, washing dishes, political fights & sneaking pie.
Misspelled Thanksgiving texts autocorrected bread stuffing staffing, turkey gobble Google, cranberry sauce saw & underwear gift thongs giving.
Man models convenient shopping bags groceries carrying clothing design on fashion catwalk.