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You searched for: diaper

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man wipes his hands on the curtains after changing his baby's diaper.
  • A new dad thinks his baby blew a gasket.
  • A man accientally throws away his baby instead of a diaper.
  • Young Vanna White eats plastic letters and passes vowels.
  • A baby squid inks his diaper.
  • A mechanic's toddler daughter asks to make an appointment because she's about to have an accident.
  • Diaper on baby's bottom tells another diaper if he thought the safety pin was bad, wait until he sees what comes next, implying dirty diaper.
  • Husband faxes wife dirty diaper and asks for clean one in return because he doesn't know how to change the baby's diaper.

You searched for: diaper