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You searched for: cans

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Newly married cans drag people behind car.
  • Riskies carnivorous cat food parodies Friskies cat food.
  • Cats in record shop talk about the new sound of The Pull Tops.
  • Whan man pours restaurant style soup into bowl it includes a fly.
  • Pet cat and owner are struggling with the marketing failure of cat food in pill form.
  • A parody of Snow's Clam Chowder called Snooze Chowder, very boring.
  • Household supplies play Spin the Bottle with a bottle who's taking Dramamine to prepare.
  • A sardine can that comes with a remote control for keyless entry.
  • Botox is introduced for soda cans.
  • A man celebrates finishing the last of the spam on New Years Day.
  • An invention we could really use is a mute button for can openers we can use when opening cans of pet food.
  • Prince Albert is annoyed that people always call when he's in the can.

You searched for: cans