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You searched for: cake

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Employees quickly volunteer to cut boss-shaped cake.
  • Woman turns cake with a ninety-one upside down to be a sixteen.
  • Parents tell chick they could not produce both a cake and a brother for birthday.
  • Committee has second thoughts as giant candles on earth day cake spew smoke in air.
  • Criminal is surprised when court throws surprise party for 25th conviction.
  • Castaway wants fellow castaway to make a wish but not tell what it is.
  • Martha celebrates George Washington's birthday, but the cake candles set his wooden teeth on fire.
  • A galapagos turtle turns 150.
  • A woman blows out spit guard birthday candles.
  • Rain, rain, go away, ring around the rosy, and pat-a-cake updated.
  • Mark's family comes up with cartoon ideas for Father's Day.
  • Half burned candle is accused of being out partying because wax has melted.

You searched for: cake