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You searched for: brains

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A female praying mantis becomes a zombie and acts just like she did before she turned.
  • A zombie and his girlfriend each order half a brain.
  • Dunder Head brand bread parodies Wonder Bread.
  • A nerd in a library is a girl's brain throb.
  • Toto asks the Wizard of Oz for a liver.
  • The decision-making part of a man's brain is damaged and he can't figure out how he feels about it.
  • A zombie gets brains in his Christmas stocking.
  • The Nonthinker statue looks at his phone.
  • Zombies use a human's head as a pinata.

  • X-ray reveals that man's brain is sad from being teased.
  • Zombies like episode of Star Trek where characters have big juicy brains.
  • Mad scientist wonders if there is a better way to rack their brains.

You searched for: brains